1) Logon to SAP
2) Go to /ncmod T-code
3) Enter Project details and select "Components". Now click on Display button.
4) Click on Function Exit. Click text next to include. Double click on text next to include once you are in the function exit module.
2) Go to /ncmod T-code
3) Enter Project details and select "Components". Now click on Display button.
4) Click on Function Exit. Click text next to include. Double click on text next to include once you are in the function exit module.
//Declaring variables..
DATA: l_s_range TYPE rsr_s_rangesid.
when [your customer exit variable name].
if i_step = 1.
data : cal_day type sy-datum.
cal_day = sy-datum.
l_s_range-low = cal_day.
l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
l_s_range-opt = 'EQ'.
APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.